Sunday, March 19, 2006

Show her you love her

I ran my first (and only) traithlon in 2005 at the Extri sa Balai in Laiya, Batangas. I was so inspired that I wrote this poem. Then it sounded great, but reading it back it feels to cheesy to post, but what da heck, hahaha.

Take her out for a late night run... and after a few miles, go home together and give her a bath... if possible, take one together...

And before you go to bed, tuck her comfortably by your side and sleep and dream of marathons, duathlons and triathlons, both of you finishing side-by-side...

Lastly, reassure her that, although new and sexier ones arrive (by ship, plane or freight, from Bangkok, Korea, China or Japan), that you won't replace her. The miles you've spent together on (and off road) have molded you both and made your relationship a perfect..... fit.

I love my running shoes.

Happy Valentines everyone ;)

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